Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Part-time World

So I was thinking today about how some Americans want to work more than this idiotic 30 hour magic number that Obama has put on our businesses.  In my "real job" there are several great people who want to work, but because of some stipulated random number, they are unable to work more than 29 hours.  Companies have to take a stand and decide, if the worker averages 30 hours or more over a 6 month period, to pay a $6000 fine or offer the worker full time insurance.  If you have ever seen the prices of Cobra insurance then you understand how much that could cost a company per person.  This could literally shut medium sized businesses down.  I completely understand why we need insurance reform, I don't have insurance for me or my wife.  I do however feel that it is mine to decide whether I need it or even want it.   I do know that I cannot afford my companies insurance.  Thank the Lord that my kids are covered, there is no way that I could afford to live without the pharmacy coverage.  So I guess what I am getting at is that the government needs to stay out of our businesses.  Obama gives BILLIONS of dollars to companies without our permission and then allows them to fold like a bad poker hand yet make off with OUR tax money.  Now he sticks his hands into our lives!  If you want insurance reform then give the insurance companies mandates as to what THEY must do.  As private citizens it is our right to choose or not choose insurance and how many hours we want to work!
The above link tries to explain the way that this new law works with a cutesy cartoon.  However it does not really explain all the little nuance changes that the government is making, like forcing health care companies to change coverage's, and because they have to change the coverage the policies are not grandfathered in.  So when Obama says that you can keep your plan, what he means is if we don't make them change anything then you can keep your plan.  Also because of the mandate, many part time employees are forced off of their plans and into the marketplace.  If a company cannot offer certain coverage on their plans then they cannot offer the policy at all.  It is my personal opinion that Insurance needs a makeover, however all of the medical community does not.  How is this, If the government wants so badly to control health care, then why not just open more VA type hospitals and offer health care to everyone.  Low cost, let people make payments and keep it simple, those that want better can pay for their insurance and go where ever they want.  It would be nice to see some changes to insurance, no refusals for those with preexisting conditions, and children, and elderly.  There must also be a major push forward on eliminating smoking and drugs.  Regular screenings and nutritionists available for those that are obese.
There are so many things this government could do to really make life more simple, but instead all that it wants is control.  Please get involved and support your communities and make sure that you are putting those in office that have the same values and beliefs that you do.  I would like to leave you with this one last thought from Red Skelton  God Bless America!

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