Monday, November 18, 2013

Time to take back America

It is time to step up America! This "leader" of ours is going to continue to disgrace us with his lack of American pride and respect, unless we stop him now! Now he is rescinding part of the law again in his favor. He is doing it so that he and his team of idiots ,that refuse to read laws that are being presented, can attempt to come out looking more clean. Of course they dismiss everything and make it look as if it is a republican plot. The Democrats have come up with only about 17 fixes to Obama-care and the Republicans have brought up over 100 fixes. You have to really wonder what is wrong the democratic party. Here they are people, like Harry Reid, who don't care about real law. They just want what will be best for their pockets and will literally kiss the ass of someone who they think people will follow, it doesn't even matter if the person is a complete moron, socialist, or even a liar and thief. Look at what the President is now basically saying and doing. He is doing exactly what the republicans have been trying to get him to do this whole time. They have accepted the fact that they can't get rid of the law, but they can find ways to help make it better for America. Now all of a sudden the president realizes that when it comes to America, many people are listening to what is actually being said. They realize that he is continually lying and trying to ignore what America is yelling! It is embarrassing that it takes an ex-president to make Obama finally take some action toward fixing this train wreck that is Obama-care.

Can you believe that 3 college kids were able to build a website to replace in just a long weekend? How is it that a company that does this professionally, of course they aren't even American, is left looking totally inept? The questions could keep coming and coming if we really wanted to ask questions that no one will answer. Apparently the programmers are setting up the website to handle only about 20,000 users per hour. Do you realize that at that rate there will not be enough time, for everyone that the governments says is not on insurance, to fill out and get approved for the insurance. The question that won't be answered is, what is the real reason the website is so totally bogged down. It is probably bogged down with all the information gathering and worms and trojan horses, so that it will be almost impossible to get it to run smoothly. Now we hear that months before the roll out, the programmers were telling Obama's people that it was not ready. As of now it may only be 80%, which of course means that it will not be able to serve everyone trying to get on.

It is amazing to think about how much information gathering this administration has been going after. All from the time that Obama was running for the senate the first time. He is amazing at getting information about others and using it against them to push his agenda. It makes you wonder if that is why the whole of the democratic party were pushing so hard and were so upset about getting it done ASAP. I learned just today that one of Pelosi's minions were trying to push through a bill that would allow for a law to be pushed through without a vote if an amendment written for it was to pass. This is the mentality of this whole administration, why try and come to an agreement just force it. If you don't agree with it then you must be a terrorist, racist, or you are just trying to scare the American people. I don't understand why the majority of people had to wait to see this whole government getting ready to blow up and take the USA with it.

Did you know that this whole thing happening with Iran would have given them the opportunity to keep going on with their nuclear program if France hadn't stepped in? Obama and Kerry are going to put America in a place that we as a country don't want to be. After they leave office who knows if they just don't disappear so that when some terrorist with a dirty bomb comes Obama and Kerry will be no where to be found. Kerry is out there telling the Palestinians that they will have the right to an intifada, that Israel is increasingly becoming more and more illegitimate to the world. I just don't understand what this administration is all about, I am so confused!

When as a people are we going to be done with all this nonsense? It is time to take America back!!  We need someone to come in and totally turn Washington on it's ear.  I can only hope that America will stand up for itself and get rid of these full of crap liberals.  You know that a liberal is a bad thing when a liberal judge in a state as conservative as Alabama lets a rapist basically off.  This supposed judge James Woodruff, found Austin Smith Clem guilty of 3 counts of rape, 1 count of 1st degree rape and 2 counts of 2nd degree rape all to be served consecutively.  Then all of a sudden Woodruff suspends the sentence for 2 years in a reform program and 3 years of probation.  Where is the justice for the young women this scum rapped?  Makes you wonder if Woodruff would have a different view if it were his child being rapped.  But this is my point, we as America need to take back our country and revamp what these libs are completely screwing up.  The worst thing of all is that these people are using the fact that they are in America to kill America.  I just don't understand how these people that used the American Dream to excel in life are trying to kill that dream for everyone else.

It is time to take America back, and in a big way.